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4 Witnesses to the Truth

Why in the world is the “greatest story ever told” not told in the same way by our four Gospel writers? The story told in each gospel is certainly as gripping and dramatic as any we could hope to hear, but they clearly give strikingly different versions of the same events regarding Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Was one witness more accurate in relaying the facts than the other three and therefore is “the more reliable truth”? Should we only consider elements which are present in all four as “the unquestionable truth”? Or perhaps if we meld them altogether does the composite reveal “a more complete truth”? Actually, a more satisfying and ultimately more engaging approach will be for us to take each one of the four accounts on its own terms, and allow each witness to speak “the gospel truth” (aka the Good News) in his unique and powerful ways. Join us as we let the truths which each Gospel witness has to share come alive, not only for the people of that day, but for us as well.

4 Witnesses to the Truth
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